REST API Security

Basic Authentication In this case the user sends credentials in the HTTP Headers “Authorization: Basic <Encoded-Creds>” The <Encoded-Creds> string is a Base64 string with the

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API Caching directives

The HTTP cache directive must be executed by all the devices in the chain (firewall, server, client, db,…) that manage the request/response The directive in

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REST API Error handling

In this article we saw, in general, which HTTP methods and status code to use in CRUD operation. Now let’s see better which http status

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Richardson Maturity Model

it is a model (developed by Leonard Richardson) that breaks down the principal elements of a REST approach into three steps: resource, HTTP verbs and

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REST API Contraints

Is your architecture RESTFul? An architecture could be REST Like or RESTish To be RESTFull an architecture should follow 6 rules, known as RESTFul Architectures

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What is an API

API (Application Programming Interface) are like user interfaces but targeted to be consumed by other applications rather than humans. This interface defines a contract between

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