DevOps in the Cloud

Hello! Today, we’ll delve into the dynamic realm of DevOps in the Cloud. Cloud computing and DevOps have become inseparable partners, offering unparalleled scalability, flexibility,

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Security in DevOps

Hello! As we progress through our DevOps journey, we come to a critical aspect that should be ingrained in every step of the DevOps pipeline:

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Configuration Management in DevOps

Today we’ll explore the crucial concept of Configuration Management in DevOps. Configuration Management ensures that your systems and infrastructure are consistent, reliable, and easily manageable.

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Introduction to Containers

Imagine a container as a lightweight, standalone executable package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime, libraries, and

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Version Control and Collaboration

Hello, everyone! In this post, we’re going to explore a fundamental aspect of software development and DevOps: Version Control and Collaboration. Introduction to Version Control

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Operations Fundamentals

Hello, everyone! This time we’re going to explore the fundamentals of IT Operations, a critical component in the world of DevOps. Introduction to IT Operations

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Continuous Delivery (CD)

CD is an automated process of delivering code changes to server quickly and efficiently. It is the natural extension of CI. CD, so, it’s the

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Continues Integration (CI)

CI is the development methodology of DevOps, for which developers commit regularly in a centralised repository where build and test are executed automatically. Through CI,

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What is DevOps

DevOps, a combination of development (Dev) and operations (Ops). it is the union of people, processes and technology to continuously deliver value to customers. Benefits

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