Cyber Kill Chain methodology

The “Cyber Kill Chain” methodology is a framework developed by Lockheed Martin to describe the stages of a cyberattack, from initial reconnaissance to data exfiltration.

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Man In The Middle (MITM)

In the man in the middle attack the attacker will put himself in the middle of the communication between the victim and the other device,

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SQL Injection

All websites that make interaction with a DB, use SQL. But if the SQL script is not correctly written could be passible of some manipulation

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Scanning and Enumeration given the following IP, what are the IP running under this subnet? netdiscover -r or nmap NMAP ( To

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Steganography is the practice of hiding a message inside of (or even on top of) something that is not secret. The steganography has the double

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Metasploit Framework is a cybersecurity project that provides info about vulnerability, simplifies penetration tests and helps in the development of intrusions systems check. It is

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WP Scan

WPScan is a tool designed to test the security of a WordPress web site. To use it, simply type: Adding -e u parameter it will

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MAC Address

MAC stands for Media Access Control. It is a Permanent, Physical, Unique (in the world) “code” assigned to a physical object that allows to connect

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With a wireless adapter in monitor mode you are able to sniff packet in the air: at least the one in our range even if

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